Dicono di noi

Some testimonials of the experiences of our customers, instructors, professional and amateur operators.

Targets that drastically raise the level of our routes training thanks to a considerable wealth of information and details. In addition to the multiple variants, which lead every operator to have to literally read and interpret the setting and related stimuli, these targets recreate evaluative/cognitive paths, as much as possible real. We have thus been able to find out numerous times, how each individual can interpret and decipher each target differently, also and above all based on previous personal experiences, having to literally deal with himself in terms of the conscious, subconscious, expectations and individual criticalities. Thanks to this didactic tool human technical deficiencies emerge on which to work through specific exercises.

I found the Targets very realistic and well thought out, at everyone's service public administration and private security operators. Possibility of using them at 360 degrees, both from the firearms course, than for medic courses, having a well-stocked card available indications for possible “stop the bleeding” approaches. We are honored to have helped PROAPTO AND BELLICUS progress alongside our needs.

During our courses for professionals we use human silhouettes a lot complex.
Those of Bellicus and ProApto are the best for us! In addition to being processed and providing us with various target possibilities armed/unarmed, allow us to have a selection of variants somatics, elements of clothing, positions, type of objects in the constantly evolving hands and scenarios. They are very important in the transformation path from the "Kill House" to "Force on Force". By now the literature on this type of target is clear, the operators must ultimately fire or not fire when the right stimulus arrives and this can only be obtained from an armed or unarmed human target, flesh-and-blood men moving in simulation training.
For us, Bellicus and ProApto targets are the solution.

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Targets that drastically raise the level of our routes training thanks to a considerable wealth of information and details. In addition to the multiple variants, which lead every operator to have to literally read and interpret the setting and related stimuli, these targets recreate evaluative/cognitive paths, as much as possible real. We have thus been able to find out numerous times, how each individual can interpret and decipher each target differently, also and above all based on previous personal experiences, having to literally deal with himself in terms of the conscious, subconscious, expectations and individual criticalities. Thanks to this didactic tool human technical deficiencies emerge on which to work through specific exercises.

I found the Targets very realistic and well thought out, at everyone's service public administration and private security operators. Possibility of using them at 360 degrees, both from the firearms course, than for medic courses, having a well-stocked card available indications for possible “stop the bleeding” approaches. We are honored to have helped PROAPTO AND BELLICUS progress alongside our needs.

During our courses for professionals we use human silhouettes a lot complex.
Those of Bellicus and ProApto are the best for us! In addition to being processed and providing us with various target possibilities armed/unarmed, allow us to have a selection of variants somatics, elements of clothing, positions, type of objects in the constantly evolving hands and scenarios. They are very important in the transformation path from the "Kill House" to "Force on Force". By now the literature on this type of target is clear, the operators must ultimately fire or not fire when the right stimulus arrives and this can only be obtained from an armed or unarmed human target, flesh-and-blood men moving in simulation training.
For us, Bellicus and ProApto targets are the solution.

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